After getting all 7 of them you will earn the Backpacking trophy or achievement. Triador – Reward for completing Yaran Story “ Triada Blessings” – Ability: Truesight (Use the Oluwas’ power to mark enemies in cover and, combined with the La Varita rifle, shoot through walls).Gladiador – bought from Juan, available at Rank 5 – Ability: Juice Injector (Fly into a rage by boosting your speed and health, and unleashing your Machete Kills on any enemy).The very first Supremo revealed for Far Cry 6, the rocket-spewing Exterminador lets Dani fire off a volley of missiles at whatever foe happens to be in their way. Medico – bought from Juan, available at Rank 4 – Ability: Zona Medicina (Fight smarter, self-revive and rapidly heal yourself & nearby allies over time, great for Co-Op) Every Far Cry 6 Supremo Explained: The Exterminador.Furiso – bought from Juan, available at Rank 3 – Ability: Fuego Loco (Emit an explosive ring that roasts enemies, and press “Jump” to thrust forward in mid-air).Volta – bought from Juan, available from the start – Ability: El Impulso (Emit an EMP pulse to knock over enemies, disable security systems, and enable vehicle hijacking).However, you will need to find some Supremo-Bond and Gun Powder if you want to make some of the best items in the game.

Fantasma – bought from Juan, available from the start – Ability: Venom Salvo (Create chaos by launching poison gas onto the battlefield that can turn enemies against one another) Crafting returns to Far Cry 6, however, the entire system is more streamlined making it far easier to improve your firearms.